Pour Over Guide

Posted by Gabe Booher on


  • 25 grams of Freshly Roasted Coffee Beans
  • 375 grams of Hot Water
  • Metal or Paper Filter



1. Add Coffee Filter & Grounds
Add a filter to the coffee brewer and place it on top of your mug or carafe.

If you’re grinding your coffee beans fresh, you’ll want your coffee grinder on a medium setting. Based on your results, the grind setting is one of the main variables you can adjust for future brews.

Set your mug and brewer on top of your scale (if you’re using one) and add coffee grounds to the filter. Give your brewer a quick shake to level the coffee grounds; this will help you get even extraction, which is super-important on your journey towards a delicious cup of coffee.

2. Bloom to Enhance
To bloom your coffee, follow these simple steps:
  • Tare (zero out) your scale.
  • Start a timer and slowly pour the filtered water (around 200 degrees Fahrenheit, or around 20 seconds off the boil) equaling about double the weight of the coffee (about 50g of water).
  • Make sure to cover all of the grounds with water, hitting any spots that are still dry after your initial pour. You’ll notice bubbles — that’s carbon dioxide exiting the coffee grounds.
  • Wait 45 seconds.
3. Pour Water

Grab your hot water, making sure your temperature is within a few degrees of 200 F, or 20 seconds off the boil. Start pouring your water in a slow circular motion. Pour about half your water to start, then let the water level drop a little and refill. This is the part of making pour over that takes a little practice, because you don’t want all your water to drip through too fast or too slowly. If the water level starts to come close to the top of your brewer while pouring, slow down your pour or allow for a brief pause to avoid an overflow.

4. Let Drip

Keep an eye on your coffee as the water drips through, and when you start to see the coffee grounds appear, remove the brewer from your mug and place it in the sink or on another cup to drain (the last few drops of water can be a little bitter). The timer should read between 2:30 to 3:30 minutes. If your water is taking too much time to drip through, try to either pour faster or set your grinder a little coarser next time. If it’s going through too quickly, pour slower or grind finer.

5. Serve

Serve coffee from your carafe or let it cool slightly if you’ve brewed into a mug! Clean Up, discard your coffee grounds and rinse the brewer with any remaining hot water from your kettle.



  • If you want a bolder more full bodied cup, Pour more intervals of water. 50g every 45sec till you hit your target of 375g of water
  • If you're looking for a more sweet cup. Slowly pour your target water (375g) all at once. Make sure you don't pour too quickly. 

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